martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012


The night I arrived in London was pretty emotional and eventful. Not only was I scared and confused with the whole 'deciding to move countries in ONE week' thing, but I was also tired from the journey. I didn't know my way around and had no clue where I was going to live. I only had a little paper with an address, and carried 3 gigantic bags around the tube as gracefully (sense the irony) as possible.

I have this tradition every time I arrive in a new country for a longish stay in which I basically wonder who will be the very first person I get to meet upon arrival. After we meet, I label them as 'the first person I met when I first arrived in ______(insert place here).'

London wasn't the exception. When I got to McMillan Student Village at 23:30, the person I first met was this cute little teenager sitting on a chair with the biggest grin on his face. I thought: 'There you are! Oficially 'First person I meet when I first arrived in LONDON!!'... Little did I know I was going to end up dating the little fellow some time after that (It wasn't ilegal anymore I swear!).

It had never happened to me before that the actual 'First person' person became someone of some importance during my stay at the given place. Normally the first person is the most random, nothing-in-common-individual you'll ever meet, but with whom you become friends due to the lack of acquaintances or internet.

To make it better, the day I arrived was the 'teenager boy's' birthday (his 10th bday or something haha), and after that it was pretty easy for me to keep remembering the date.

It's now 00:39, and as I was procastinating on facebook (I know!) I happened to see that today, September the 26th, it's his birthday, so I immediately realised I have been in this country for THREE WHOLE MINDBLOWING YEARS!!

I now need to get back to my pre-scheduled Skype date with a friend and maybe later post on C's wall. But this post HAD to be written since I needed to both commemorate my time in this beautiful country, and also accept the fact that my journey here is now coming to an end.

Happy birthday C, and happy english birthday to me!!

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